Hi All
Just an update on our upcoming meets
5th - 7th April– Marton and Gate Burton - CRAZY CARD NIGHT
We will be holding a social on Saturday evening in the hall on site. This will be a fun evening which will be a “Crazy Card Night”. No need to understand how to play cards as this will be explained on the evening. But if you wish to to take part you will each need to bring three prizes, These should consist of:-
One prize of no more than £2.00 in value
One prize of no more than £1.00 in value
An item from your home that you no longer want but may be of use to someone else
The more amusing the prizes are the better, and you will all go home with three prizes at the end of the evening. You are also most welcome in the Hall even if you do not wish to play cards.
12th – 14th April – Ashover, Show Ground This is our AGM weekend and the AGM will be held at Ashover Village Hall on Saturday 13th April 2019 with a 2.00pm prompt start. Remember you will also need a valid membership card to be admitted into the meeting. This is the meeting where you can have your say on the running of the DA, and also it would be good for the DA if we can fill the vacant spaces on the committee with new or old faces and ideas. So if you would like to help the DA and be on the committee please let it be known either before the AGM or on the day.
I will also be putting a photo slide show together which we normally show before the AGM. If you have any photos taken during 2016, of members taking part in some of our events. and also photos of the sites we have used, and you would like these photos to be included, please email them to me ASAP. We will also be having a social evening in the hall on Saturday night, all are welcome. This will be a prize bingo evening, and all you need to to to take part is bring a prize to the value of approx. £1.00 in value for each book of bingo cards required. Again the more unusual and amusing the better,
18th – 23rd April – Hutton le Hole,North Yorkshire Moors - Easter Meet Our Easter Meet is once again at the picturesque Hutton le Hole, North Yorkshire. There is plenty to see and do in the local area. as well as visits to Whitby, Robin Hood Bay and Scarborough. We will also be holding socials Saturday and Sunday nights in the village hall which is in very easy walking distance to the site. There is a pub, cafe and tea rooms as well as several gift and craft shops all within the village. The site is also next to the Ryedale Folk Museum which is well worth a visit.
The meet will open at 3.00pm on Thursday 18th April and close at 3.00pm on Tuesday 23rd April.
If you require any further information on these meets or any other meets please contact me or visit our website https://www.sheffieldda.co.uk/meet-calendar