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Restart: procedures for Safe Camping

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

Covid-secure procedures for safe camping as at 20th July 2020. Procedures are subject to change in accordance with Government policy and guidance issued by the Camping and Caravanning Club from time-to-time.

Covid-19: procedures for safe camping

We look forward to seeing you on site very soon.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic and in accordance with Government and The Camping and Caravanning Clubs guidelines it is necessary that you follow the following rules in addition to normal Club rules.

Before Departure from Home

  • You should not travel to site if you or any member of your party are showing any COVID-19 symptoms.  

  • You will not be allowed any day visitors to site during your stay with us.

  • You are responsible for bringing your own hand sanitiser, face coverings and cleaning items with you.

  • Ensure you have your Club membership cards for all members of your party.

On Arrival

  • Please stop by the stewarding point. Only the lead camper should leave the vehicle to book in when requested to do so by the steward.

  • The lead camper will be asked to confirm that nobody in their party have any COVID-19 symptoms. Every individual is required to act responsibly and honestly in order to protect others and if symptoms are present the whole party will not be permitted on site and will be asked to leave and seek medical help.

  • Maintain social distancing in accordance with Local Government guidelines. Do not enter the stewarding tent or shelter.

  • The stewards must keep an up to date log with contact details of who is on site in order to comply with track and trace, this will usually be the contact telephone number which you provided on booking. This data will be destroyed 21 days after the closure of the site.


  • You will receive instructions from the stewards. Please observe Camping and Caravanning Club rules and to ensure social distancing a minimum of 6m between units should be achieved.

On Site

  • Maintain social distancing in accordance with Local Government guidelines.

  • Do not allow children to roam or wander about the site unsupervised.

  • You are on an individual pitch and not a social event or gathering, the space outside your unit is for your group only and you should not mix with other groups.

  • You should not gather on site or in caravans and awnings unless permitted to do so under Local Government guidelines.

  • Book exchange and tourist information will not be available on site as it might have been in previous years and campers should make their own enquiries as to which attraction and facilities are available. 

Should You or any of your party develop Symptoms

  • You should inform the site stewards whilst maintaining an appropriate social distance.

  • Return home immediately (if fit to do so), seek medical attention and follow Government guidelines for reporting.

Water Taps

  • Only adults are permitted to use the water taps. 

  • Use your own wipe on the tap before and after use and take the used wipe away for disposal in your own unit and wash your hands. 

  • The taps will be wiped down frequently throughout the day by the site stewards.

Chemical Disposal Points (CDP)

  • An area will be marked out around the CDP, only one person at a time in the area

  • It is recommended that you wear a face covering and single use gloves (provided by yourself) while emptying the toilet.

  • In the event of a spillage you should clean this up immediately.

  • The CDP area will be frequently cleaned by the site stewards.

Bins/Waste Disposal Skip (if applicable)

  • Use your own wipe on the lid or handles or use single use gloves, take the used wipe and any gloves away for disposal in your own unit and wash your hands. 

  • Waste should be bagged, and bin bags should be securely tied to contain contents.

  • Lids and handles will be wiped down frequently throughout the day by the site stewards.

Out and About from Site

  • Please remember to maintain social distancing in the local community.

  • If it is necessary to open and close a gate, sanitise your hands afterwards.

Departure from Site and Payment

  • If payment was not made on arrival, the lead camper should arrange to pay their fees prior to departure with the steward.

  • Payments by cheque will not be accepted.

  • Electronic payment - please check with the steward if this is available on site.

  • Cash please tender the correct amount due: we ask that you place the correct cash amount in a transparent polythene bag (eg food/freezer bag).

We all need to comply with the above: Camping and Caravanning may be a slightly different experience from what it has been in the past, but enjoy your unit, your pitch, local walks and beaches but please observe social distancing, respect the local community and keep safe.

We hope you enjoy your stay with Sheffield DA.

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